A story must have a beginning! A house must have foundations and a project strategy.
We started from the Rudders to continue with the Propellers and Anchors.
Today we present the first summary:
This course applies what we discussed in the ABC of the Manoeuvre. We enter the Bridge, assume the correct mental attitude and start to manoeuvre.
A specific order is essential! To master ship handling, following a common thread that touches the topics in sequence and contextualizes them with practical examples is necessary.
Videos on the Anchors – wind and current effects – correct use of tugs, and much more are at your disposal to complete the path.
The topics are deepened, analyzed with a practical eye and interspersed with “synthesis” sections, where the concepts are taken up, reformulated and inserted in authentic contexts.
That’s a strategy! The basic idea, the steps to follow and the backbone of the course, are developed: we traced a route, and we are following it.
Moreover, we keep a door always open to be able to add, during construction, what is requested and suggested by those who follow us.
That is why we do not publish the entire index, reserving the opportunity to expand the work.
Contact us at info@standbyengine.it. We will answer your questions and treasure your suggestions.
Take a look at the youtube videos.
Read other articles in the “Blog” section.